Entries by ALB1970

Jamie’s second Birth Story! (by Jamie herself)

Lincoln’s Birth Story…. 9 days late…I was so ready to meet our boy I tried everything to “jumpstart” labour but as we all know they come when they are ready and not a minute before. Thursday night we sat watching telly and during commercial I got up, one of my thousand potty breaks of the […]

Weighed in!

We had to get this weigh in because the “doctors receptionists” decided the doctors surgery was too busy to see a 7 week old baby that was suffering EVERY night because of “colic or reflux” but I suppose the receptionists must know best? We need to get something done about him suffering every night its […]

Domestic Goddess

A question aimed more at Jamie’s American family and friends but would you have ever predicted she would become a ‘domestic goddess’ before her English calling? She is very proud of everything she does but what she said to me a few minutes ago sums it “I smile everytime I walk past that curtain!” and […]

Play Doh!

Reagan’s first go at making play dough and when its made she has to stop playing with it because important mail arrives!