Entries by ALB1970

Jections, poor Lincoln :-(

Lincoln had his first immunisation injections today…poor little man as if he hasn’t been suffering enough the nasty doctor has to go and stick needles into him to really make him scream. I know Mommy wasn’t looking forward to taking him today but for some reason Reagan has had an extra bounce in her step […]

The lost blog?

Lincoln is suffering again and the last couple of nights have been difficult for Jamie and me with him screaming throughout the evening then fussing throughout the night keeping us awake so we have reverted to taking turns with him on the sofa while the other sleeps. We went to see the doctor again this […]


I desperately want to capture Reagan’s new facial expressions and show them on here but it’s proving difficult to do. She has found that she can pucker her lips over the last couple of weeks which is really funny and then scrunch the pucker up to her nose in a kind of gurning pose? The […]

Goodnight sweetheart

Last night was a good night we did bath-time with no-one crying or screaming and Reagan went to sleep with a full belly, I had to nip out to play pool but was back within an hour to find a happyish Lincoln feeding but once he finished he started again re fluxing and screaming which […]

Jamie’s second Birth Story! (by Jamie herself)

Lincoln’s Birth Story…. 9 days late…I was so ready to meet our boy I tried everything to “jumpstart” labour but as we all know they come when they are ready and not a minute before. Thursday night we sat watching telly and during commercial I got up, one of my thousand potty breaks of the […]

Weighed in!

We had to get this weigh in because the “doctors receptionists” decided the doctors surgery was too busy to see a 7 week old baby that was suffering EVERY night because of “colic or reflux” but I suppose the receptionists must know best? We need to get something done about him suffering every night its […]

Domestic Goddess

A question aimed more at Jamie’s American family and friends but would you have ever predicted she would become a ‘domestic goddess’ before her English calling? She is very proud of everything she does but what she said to me a few minutes ago sums it “I smile everytime I walk past that curtain!” and […]