Entries by ALB1970

Thanksgiving 2011 (The Cooking)

After a tough night with Lincoln in which he had such a temperature that keeping him cool and comfortable was all we wanted but also mommy needed to sleep we took turns to look after him ending with mommy getting 3 straight hours sleep before she began her 2011 Thanksgiving. She held us all together […]

It’s a hard life

It is hard with two kids requiring your attention and for completely different reasons Lincoln is soooo much better now than a week ago and infinitely better than two weeks ago. We’re not out of the woods with him yet and are still waiting to see the consultant pediatrician that was promised the last time […]

Watching telly without the kids

OMG last night we spent all evening watching telly with both kids IN BED!# It was surreal, we sat looking at each other then the telly and then listening…? A small step but it means we are progressing…? It started with bathtime and as we were drying both of them it was apparent that I […]

Lincoln 9 weeks old

He is still screaming at night but the sessions are getting shorter last night 30 mins of all out screaming then sleep and the nights are getting better too Mommy can feed and sleep and I feel a little guilty that I don’t wake up anymore! I saw this photo on Jamie’s phone a moment […]

Another lost blog this time from May?

Went with Cliff and Charlie over to Jarad’s home in Aurora to cut up some wood for Pam’s new kitchen cabinets on a dull but warm Denver morning. After a couple of hours cutting Jarad and I locked horns at Darts in his garage, now having not thrown a dart in a couple of years […]