Santa didn’t scare me…!
Once released from Santa’s grip Reagan was back to her excited and inquisitive self:
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Once released from Santa’s grip Reagan was back to her excited and inquisitive self:
Today we carried on the tradition for Reagan and began the tradition for Lincoln of going to see Santa the week before Christmas to let him know we are waiting for him and maybe mention a couple of “would likes” if it not too much trouble Santa. The following photos are all we took of […]
The new kid on the block is Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow who has turned Denver’s fortune around in the last 6 weeks after a somewhat mediocre (to put it politely!) start to the season, and as a christian he feels the need to pray at key points during a game and does so by getting […]
Lincoln went to bed at 20:10ish a VERY tired boy but woke at around 20:50 but instead of dashing upstairs to comfort him we stayed downstairs saying we will allow him to cry for 10 minutes first! After only 4 minutes he self soothed himself back to sleep, which doesn’t sound much but for Jamie […]
Another good increase this week, you should be proud momma dude Lincoln weight history: 15 Dec 2011 – 15lbs 8oz 08 Dec 2011 – 15lbs 1oz 01 Dec 2011 – 14lbs 4oz 24 Nov 2011 – 13lbs 14oz 17 Nov 2011 – 13lbs 8.5oz 09 Nov 2011 – 13lbs 0oz 02 Nov 2011 – 12lbs […]
Lincoln had his second round of immunisation injections and according to mommy was the bravest little boy ever, not actually crying but looking straight at his momma while the deeds were done. Even the nurse was impressed by his bravery! A little bit of Calpol to aid recovery and he was good all day, I […]
This is my 700th post and I still love writing this blog although finding time to write everyday is very difficult since Lincoln was born. The most important thing for me still is to keep my mom in-law and the rest of Jamie’s family upto date with our lives and the progress of Reagan and […]
Over the last few days we have been making Lincoln sleep in his own bed and it is going quite well, with him actually sleeping for on average one hour at a time before needing to be comforted back to sleep. At best we put him down at around 20:30 and he sleeps for about […]
Uncle Ian and Aunt Patty gave Reagan a Peppa Pig robe for Christmas so tonight after getting out of the bath I dressed her in it an asked her to pose (lol) She said “Can I use my Peppa Pig toothbrush as a prop and I’ll love the camera for you darling!” It just sounded […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.