Entries by ALB1970

Consultant Paediatrician

We saw the consultant paediatrician today and he said he believes Lincoln is a reflux baby and has changed his medicine from Ranitidine which we thought was working, to a more efficient medicine that does the same job and an additional medicine to speed up digestion so his milk doesn’t sit in his tummy as […]

Help is there if you need it….!

This is what happened today Jamie asked our new doctors surgery for a repeat prescription and they said, come down and see the doctor first? At Oaklands they would never have done that they would have been dismissive and just told her to drop a written request in to the surgery and don’t bother speaking […]

Momentous day when that little snippet of info arrives

This morning we watched a program about E.A.S.Y routine by Tracey Hogg (The baby whisperer) and a light came on for us just by watching a 30 minute show. It basically said there are more than one cry your baby gives out but at the moment you remedy them all with boob because it shuts […]

Rolling Lincoln Rolling

There is no way on earth I thought I would be writing this blog at 11 weeks 2 hours old but Lincoln actually rolled over today…yes thats what I said rolled over and mommy got it on video as I stood in the kitchen door way watching on! We were more shocked about it than […]

Weighed in!

Catching up on Lincolns weight gain and health, first off we now have a different Lincoln since Thanksgiving he has litterally thrived since his fever went away the nights have been getting better and better and the days are such fun for him and the rest of the family and as you can see his […]

Baking with Mommy

Jamie really is a great mom to both children and is always mindful that Reagan can feel left out now Lincoln’s here so it was nice to walk in on them sharing a moment baking cakes and making frosting.

No-one has ever eaten so much…

I have never seen anyone eat so much in such a short space of time…have a think about who I am on about before you login to find out! All I will say is there was a trip to COSTCO yesterday involving Jamie, Nannie, Reagan and Lincoln….hummmm? Who could it be?