Entries by ALB1970

Sometimes parenting can look easy!

I was surprised but absolutely pleased as punch to be met with this seen after my shower tonight, because sometimes I know Jamie can have a tough day just looking after our two children so it was nice to see her being able to relax and enjoy being a mom with her kids asleep on […]

New kitchen floor. (Day 5)

…and so the cutting begins! It slows the pace down because today I spent all afternoon cutting tiles and 35 minutes laying them. I moved the washer and took the end panel of the kitchen counter and laid tiles under there (as Ian Cox suggested although that was the plan anyway but I won’t tell […]


Every single night without fail I sit by Reagan’s bed and we read a story even if its just a couple of pages when I finish I always close the book and read the title of the book and point to the words on the cover. I then lay the book and tell her “I […]

Weighed in

Like everyone else Lincoln has “over” eaten during Christmas gaining 1lb 2oz of festive cheer! (LOL) Reagan was weighed too, she was 31lbs today YAY! Lincoln weight history: 05 Jan 2012 – 16lbs 10oz 15 Dec 2011 – 15lbs 8oz 08 Dec 2011 – 15lbs 1oz 01 Dec 2011 – 14lbs 4oz 24 Nov 2011 […]


We struggled with Lincolns sleeping on Tuesday night and both mommy and daddy did not sleep for more than an hour or so at a time taking it in turns to stay downstairs with him while the other tried to sleep. We are sort of used to this but because he is so much better […]

I wish it could be Sunday when I wake up everyday

Well I had a great Christmas and New Year but reality strikes and it’s back to work today 🙁 It will be a shame to leave Jamie and the kids because I have enjoyed every minute I feel very lucky! I think I have the best family in the world and love spending as much […]

New kitchen floor. (Day 4)

A bit of a faff today cornered in are all the amenity so not as many tiles laid. I am running out of big areas to tile now and will begin all the cutting next weekend, because alas I return to work tomorrow so that will be the first chance I get to tile again.