You can get them to sleep at the same time!
Neither of them can stay awake long in the buggy even when its freezing outside… just can’t walk around with them at 3am…?
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Neither of them can stay awake long in the buggy even when its freezing outside… just can’t walk around with them at 3am…?
He is a tummy sleeper now he has got rid of the reflux, and is learning to self sooth too. Its slow but he’s getting there!
We thought we were out of the woods and had cracked the sleeping thing with Lincoln but he had other ideas this week. We were even discussing moving him away from our bedside and maybe even into his own room when we put him to bed on Friday night but less than an hour after […]
Mommy couldn’t find a clean sippy cup so thought it was time Reagan learned to use an ordinary cup…I was sceptical but she did it without spilling a drop…nearly!
My first trip to America and easily thee best memory I have from that trip (I was with Jamie!! The inlaws seemed to like me!! and I was in awe of everything I saw that day!! It was sooo brilliant we have that photo on our living room wall to remind me\us of the day!)
Christmas Eve 2011
Last night it was great to see real interaction between Grandma and the ‘Grandchildren’, both Reagan and Lincoln were really enjoying seeing “the funny lady” on the telly and smiled and laughed along with her as she made faces, talked to them and ‘cheersed’ for a couple of hours or more. It was especially nice […]
Weebles wobble but the don’t fall down unlike Lincoln who definitely falls after a wobble!
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.