Entries by ALB1970

Let sleeping babies lie

We are doing very well with our sleeping at the moment but I know just writing this blog could upset the whole equilibrium and our nights could be shattered again. Lincoln goes to sleep at around 8pm and he usually sleeps until around 12:30 but can go a lot longer and then wakes again around […]

Mommy Daddy Lincoln

Reagan is coming along so much at the moment, her new thing that she is very proud of is pointing at us individually and saying our names Mommy Daddy ‘incoln and then she’ll do it again. If I point at Mommy she says mommy and if I point at Lincoln she says ‘incoln, but the […]

Teething sucks

We have been up all night with a teething Lincoln who has been so uncomfortable he hasn’t slept much and neither have mommy or Daddy its torture Possibly 4 on the way in, all at the bottom at the front…!

Just when you think it’s safe…

We are at the stage now where Lincoln is ready to be moved in with Reagan because he is such a good sleeper from where we were just a few weeks ago. He will bathe with Reagan at night and then Mommy will get him ready for bed and feed him before putting him face […]