Just LJ
Here are a few photo’s of our son Lincoln Jay who has become the loveliest happiest little boy ever and we love him so much it hurts
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Here are a few photo’s of our son Lincoln Jay who has become the loveliest happiest little boy ever and we love him so much it hurts
Reagan is growing up so fast and everyday something new that she does just blows you away and make you realise that if you blink you miss her growing up. The following photo was taken at one of the many groups mommy takes both kids to and Reagan had decided she needed to be alone […]
Mommy sent me the following photo’s late in the afternoon when she went up to get Reagan and Lincoln from their nap only to find that after 2 hours BOTH were still asleep and the question was “Should I wake them?” Now mommy does deserve a siesta during the day but unfortunately if they sleep […]
With the weather getting better, although still quite cool, we all spent a couple of hours in the garden tidying it up for the new season. It was really nice to spend time as a family together ‘pottering’ which I always find gets more done and I especially felt good because Reagan was helping me […]
Out on the lash again
We just got back from Winsford where we took the kids swimming, it was the first time in months Reagan had been and the first time ever that Lincoln had been. At first we thought it was going to be a disaster when we slid Lincoln into his float and he didn’t look best pleased […]
Reagan is learning everything so fast its frightening but most of all its so much fun to be a part of. She has known lots of words for ages now but has started associting them with its meaning now. Colours, animals yes, no, counting, I could go on and on Yogurt was the new one […]
Yes we are! It’s not perfect but we certainly made the right move putting Lincoln in with Reagan because Mommy is getting more undisturbed sleep and he is sleeping through the murmurs and thrutching where as before Mommy would have gone and settled him down or fed him. He is still waking a couple of […]
We all love ICE CREAM!
When I arrived home tonight I was informed of a new phenomenon in Reagan’s world “pocket!” and was lavished with demonstration after demonstration of this new invention by her putting her dummy into her dress pocket screaming POCKET then pulling it out only to repeat the exercise over and over! I’m so proud of my […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.