Entries by ALB1970

Login issues

I am aware that some people are still having trouble logging into my blog, the reason is still eluding me but that’s because I just don’t find time to blog and sort out what’s wrong but I can individually reset passwords to let you in? I am always blown away that anyone reads it and […]

6am Starts?

With Lincoln now sleeping through apart from a top up feed at around 3am we should be getting all the sleep we need but our lovely little daughter has started singing at the top of her voice at 6am. Which you would think should be the most loveliest thing in the world but sometimes you […]


I think this video portrays where Reagan is right now in her learning, she loves singing and has the tune to all songs and some of the words, in this video watch out for Happy Birthday our animal impressions the colours of the spots on her shirt and lots lots more of our cute little […]

Lincoln my mini me.

When I first saw the following photo I was sat at work and I beamed from ear to ear and just had to show it off to all my colleagues then for the rest of the day I couldn’t stop looking at it. It is the first time I have actually seen myself in his […]

Weetabix, no good for your arse!

Lincoln has REALLY bad nappy rash today and it has been getting worse for a couple a days now but when Jamie changed his nappy at dinnertime he was bleeding a little bit from the rash 🙁 We were right next door to the doctors so Jamie went to see the doctor to find out […]

Damn, she’s pretty

When you dream of of having children you only see healthy one’s it really doesn’t matter what they look like but if you’re lucky like we are you get this!