Entries by ALB1970

Slept through AWW Yes!

Last night Lincoln slept through…and I mean SLEPT THROUGH! We put him down as usual at 19:45ish and Reagan too. Now as I have said in previous blogs he has a routine but last night we did not hear a peep out of him, nothing not a dickie bird he just slept….I say he slept […]

Lincoln at night…

Lincoln is like clockwork just now and I am not sure how it can change right now but this is how it is: Bed at 7:45 Awake to feed at 10:30 Awake to feed at 03:30 Awaken around 7ish for a new day

Bowling conspiracy

We all went ten pin bowling today and I WON which is now being denied by both Reagan and Mommy which I think is just ridiculous they are saying without photographic evidence it didn’t happen. My answer to that is I didn’t ask for a photograph because I didn’t want to embarrass them in public! […]

I was wrong…

I was wrong when I said Lincoln would be crawling by now, he isn’t far off he can now scooch forward to get things a little out of his reach and can easily get anything in his turning circle. He sort of knows what he has to do because his sister shows him and tries […]

She nearly broke me today

If I listed why I make that statement Reagan wouldn’t sound that bad but when you’re tired and all you want to do is do things for her that will make her happy and all you get is a tantrum for trying. Well I am tired I do have this shitty cold and I did […]

My day was great

After waking with a stinking cold we had a bit of a lazy morning which culminated in Reagan crawling onto me as I sat in my chair and falling asleep as we watched telly. This made me feel a WHOLE lot better, and after just over an hour she woke and we had lunch. After […]

Reagan in the spoon

This morning during breakfast Reagan noticed her reflection in the back of her spoon and between mouthfuls of cheerios she kept looking at her reflection smiling and saying “Reagan” as the residual milk ran down her arm?