Entries by ALB1970

Standing to attention

I spent 20 minutes with Lincoln this morning and he just wanted to stand up all the time, I watched him at the gate as I washed up and he pulled himself up to standing 2 or 3 times. I reckon he will be walking around the furniture over the next couple of weeks to […]

Welcome to Middlewich

The day was planned as a Middlewich day to meander around the town, rivers and canals showing Emily and Pam where we live. It was a sunny day but cool when the sun wasn’t out and I wouldn’t bet against getting wet at some point, but we set off walking up the canal taking coats […]

Grandma and Auntie Emmy arrive YAY!

Today started with us waking to a sleeping Reagan a wide awake Lincoln and the news that Grandma and Auntie Em had made up over 30 inutes on their flight over night so instead of waking up at 6am and having plenty of time to get out of the house and get to the airport […]

Worst Dad :-(

First night with Grandma and it ended with me doing bathtime(?) while Grandma looked on, and was a pleasure to do until I told Reagan it was time to do teeth. She decided it wasn’t time to do teeth and said no, so I asked her to think about what she was doing and told […]

I really had “almost” given up

Tonight I got home from work, to a nice house with everyone enjoying eating their tea. When I say enjoying it I mean really enjoying the event not just the food mommy served up and to be honest I felt a little sceptical? After night after night of coaxing cojoaling and ass kissing (not literally) […]

Lincoln on the otherhand!

…has become easy, after his torrid first ten or twelve weeks, so much so that you forget about his illness now as he laughs and giggles through life (with quite a bit of crying sprinkled in between lol)

The harder I try

Just lately is seems that no matter what I do its not right, Reagan has entered the “terrible two’s” with a vengeance and the whole family is feeling the strain, because we have to ignore Reagan while she screams From my point of view we are doing our best whether it be right or wrong […]

Four Milestones in a day?

1. Rolled from back to front 2. Sits up on his own 3. Pulls himself up to standing 4. Crawls on hands and knees Read them and be amazed as we have been all day. Jamie said look he’s crawling on his hands and knees and we thought that’s the reason he has been sleeping […]

Getting up Teggs Nose

Bank Holiday Sunday was planned a while back, we had decided to go for a walk and Jamie asked me to look in the “All Terrain Pushchair walks” book we were given. I saw an old favourite “Teggs Nose” in Macclesfield, a walk I did on occasion with Jack so I knew the way there […]

Bank Holiday gets off to a shitter….?

Bank Holiday weekend begins with an early morning wake up at around 3am with Lincoln screaming the place down so much that even Reagan is disturbed when he and a Police helicopter above the house shattered the silence (it wasn’t the noise police after Lincoln luckily!) we all got back to sleep around 4am and […]