Entries by ALB1970


I think back to when Lincoln was born and the lack of sleep and I really should never complain about being tired again but sometimes like this week after our “holiday” I have felt so tired its untrue. Being a tourist really takes it out of you with all the travelling and walking but doing […]

Nemily and Gamma’s vacation

I am writing this blog unashamedly tearing up as we have just left Nemily and Grandma at the airport to begin their trip home to Denver. I meant what I said to them both about an hour ago ‘you are welcome here anytime’ I have loved having you around for two weeks and seeing you […]

Stuck in the mud

Off to the beech we went today on what was billed as the best day of the week weather wise and when we got to Prestatyn it was windy and cold but at least it was dry well for Reagan Lincoln Mommy Daddy and Emily it was… We got on to the sand and built […]

The day we saw Queen Elizabeth II

We got up early and went to Chester Zoo to see the Queen today and we were not disapointed. Although it rained we had a good time waiting for her to drive by… …and although a little damp we were all thrilled to catch a glimpse of her We watched her go into the zoo […]