Entries by ALB1970

I didn’t want to but…

The following video proves that I really do love my children, Reagan really wanted to go on the quad bikes so even though I could see no point or pleasure in getting on them and speeding round leaning into the corners opening up the throttle on the straights and beating the PB’s of all past […]

A boy with issues

Jamie told me about an incident that happened at a party today and it is quite disturbing… There was a boy who lives down the road at the same 3rd birthday party as Reagan and Lincoln were attending and all the children were playing and enjoying fun and games when this boy took a “dislike” […]

Shiner No:1

Take your eye off the little guy for a second to get shampoo and BUMP! He tries to stand up in the bath, slips and bumps his eye on the bath handle…cue screams from Lincoln and a great big OMG there’s blood from Mommy as a trickle of blood ran down his face magnified by […]

Whats been happening with Lincoln

Not blogged for a while and it really bugs me because so much is happening right now especially with Lincoln who is so fast at crawling now its amazing to see. He is just so mobile now and it is only going to get worse when he finally walks which can’t be that far off […]

Big girls bed

Since “The Great Escape” Reagan has clambered out of her cot every morning and we were worried about her hurting herself falling, so it was decided that it was time to take the sides off the cot making it into a ‘big girls bed!” Mommy wanted it to be special so on Saturday morning off […]

All better

After a couple of days of sickness Reagan was fine and although it was a little scary at one point so was Lincoln YAY