Do you EVER grow out of kicking leaves?
When I took these pictures all I wanted to do was join in…
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
When I took these pictures all I wanted to do was join in…
I know we shouldn’t be annoyed at such cuteness but every morning the first thing we hear said ever so softly in a whispering tone by Reagan stood at the bedroom door is…. “Daddy Mommy” which she repeats until one of us goes and lets her in It’s soooo cute but it’s so annoying every […]
Sat watching Lincoln sleep and Reagan walking round and round and round while Mommy is at school Posted by ALB from WordPress for BlackBerry.
Last few weeks I have noticed that Lincoln is never happier than when he is dragging something around the house and it can be anything so long as it trails behind him, a blanket a toy on a string anything? At the moment it is a half pack of nappies and I have st eating […]
Ooo Reagan loved this last year and I reckon Lincoln loved it this year aswell
we were all suffering with the lurgy and really should not have been out on a rainy night like this one but Jamie’s comment “I have waited my whole life to go trick or treating with my children” sort meant we had to and I am glad we did because we had lots of fun. […]
Reagan has earache and is off to the Doctor at 16:30 to find out what the problem is, for now though its cuddles from Mommy and Calpol Posted by ALB from WordPress for BlackBerry.
We had it so good for the last few week with both Reagan and Lincoln going to bed by 8pm and sleeping all the way through until 7:30am when Reagan is up like clockwork. This weekend the clocks were turned back an hour and this has disrupted us all especially Reagan who even though she […]
I decided to join Jamie Reagan and Lincoln at the 11am service at church yesterday where Jamie likes to get the children involved with the activities but also take note of the sermon too. If I do not go that can be difficult but yesterday with the church laying on a creche which Reagan went […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.