Entries by ALB1970

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Waiting for Santa

After church we sat and watched The Snowman and for 30 minutes both Reagan and Lincoln never moved from where they sat After the Snowman it was get ready for the big man himself… Put out a sign so he doesn’t forget us and sprinkle some Reindeer food on the lawn A mince pie for […]

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Angels on Christmas Eve

We went to the Christmas nativity service at 4pm on Christmas Eve and dressed the children as angels…well dressed them both in their Christening outfits and gave Reagan a pair of wings! Reagan did get to take a cow up to the nativity at the front of the church but apart from that they had […]

Coughing this Christmas

Although Lincoln has been coughing for a while last night Reagan was up all night with a rasping cough too… I fear this could mean we may have sick babies over Christmas which blows rather! Mommy is taking them both to the doctor later in the hope that there is a magic cure?


Daddy does it again

As I grabbed yet another DVD out of Lincoln’s hand ranting at the top of my voice the frustrations wondering if my rants were enough or if I needed to put him in time out as punishment a voice from behind pipes up “It’s BLOODY KNACKERED THAT IS!” It was Reagan… I had to think […]

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Mommy in the Choir

Tonight we went to see Mommy sing in the choir she was so nervous but I told her that she will be wishing it would last all night as soon as she gets going. Reagan and Lincoln with Nanny for support joined me to watch Mommy sing… [wowslider id=”5″] Is he really singing Gaudette, whatever […]

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Nursery Christmas sing song

Reagan goes to nursery every Tuesday and Thursday morning and she was part of their Christmas sing song in which she was a princess which is her most favourite thing… The following video is Reagan’s sing song, while you watch count how many Santa’s you can see and then count how many princess’s you can […]