Entries by ALB1970

Lincoln is loud

Just about to start talking about now, Lincoln is soooo loud, he is copying a few words like Pizza, Dadda, Sista etc but he is training his vocal chords by screaming and shouting ALL the time and its annoying for us and extremely frustrating for him. He knows we communicate by talking and he is close to […]

It’s snowing!

Now the statement “It’s snowing!” is a very exciting statement in England, it means this maybe the last time our lives will be the same for weeks…? I can only qualify this by saying that we don’t cope well with weather and that’s tough because we get a lot of it, weather that is not […]

Must post…post

Today Reagan was…technically challenging to say the very least. Mommy and me have tried to be unified on how to handle but had words tonight on our differing views on parenting? We agree on being unified but I want to shout you down and Mommy wants the softly softly approach All I want is for […]

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Glowing report – Day 1 (We’ll see?)

Mommy says that apart from a mini tantrum pre 9am while they were trying to get ready to go to the zoo Reagan, and Lincoln, have been a joy to be with all day. Auntie Karen joined them for a trip to the zoo and it was a pleasure to spend the day together. I […]

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Meal time woes

It is so rare to get through a mealtime without any sort of stress just lately and tonight was no exception Reagan as always refused to eat as she does most nights but tonight I was “instructed” to ignore her. Which I did but it really gets on every one of my nerve endings when […]