Entries by ALB1970

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Big News

We have booked up to go to America in June and July which is pretty exciting and gives us a big date to look forward to, and my mum has also booked to come too. The trip will be Jamie’s going home trip, my summer holiday, Reagan and Lincoln’s big adventure and me mums first […]

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Similar cenario

When I arrived home from work this evening the situation was much the same with Mommy cooking tea while the two children found things to do but I was able to cope slightly better tonight even though I was very close to exploding a couple of times. I used the time out method on both […]


Frightening Reagan

Tonight I frightened Reagan when she again didn’t listen to her Momma and after Momma asked her to turn the cold tap off for the forth time, because she is ruining the bathwater I lost my temper and shouted at her as nastily as I have ever shouted her her before…and she did not like […]