Entries by ALB1970

The Dummy Fairy Pt1

We decided this week that it was time Reagan stopped using her dummy, it was annoying both me and Jamie that she would talk with it in and scream for it if she didn’t have one so a plan was hatched.

Lincoln’s reward chart

Lincoln always looks a bit jealous when Reagan gets to move  up a place on her reward chart, so Mommy suggested I make Lincoln his very own reward chart. So knowing he gets most excited when Gigglebellies comes on the telly I thought this would make him happiest


It’s annoying that they won’t move their van it means I don’t like them and because our friends and good neighbours see them being deliberately disruptive they don’t like them either so the morning after a party its always nice to see the damage is ALL theirs! Oh dear?

Our little ballerina

I love this little girl, and taking her to dance class on a Saturday morning makes me feel so proud. I watch her through the door window and although there are many more children in the room I can only see her. I can’t take photos so I will have to describe the smile she […]