Entries by ALB1970

Our angel

Children learn by mimicking and when I saw Reagan during Mommy’s communion I saw our little angel, just copying what everyone else was doing and although the photos have no sound I can say she was also singing along even though she didn’t know any of the words  

Jamie’s Confirmation

I know I won’t be able to do this one justice, all I can say is the beaming smile on Jamie’s face during and after the ceremony made me realise just how much this meant to her and how happy it has made her…  

Counting down

When Jamie and I were looking forward to seeing each other before she came to live in England I never counted down from 100+ days because it was just too hard to think it was just too long. Our summer holiday though is a different matter, because we are counting down together Well just over […]

The Dummy Fairy Pt2

Last night was the night and as expected it was horrendous although I did cheat a bit. Monday nights are choir practice for Mommy and tonight was no different but we had decided that this was the night and no matter how hard it was going to be we were going to do it. So […]

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Belly raspberry blowing tickle martians

Last nights hilarious moment…let me set the scene, Reagan Lincoln and I were flying in our space rocket (actually we were sat on the floor under a blanket making space rocket noises and Reagan was steering using a Jesus book) when we were attacked by the tickle martian (Mommy) After a couple of minutes of […]