Entries by ALB1970

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Easter weekend in pictures

With Patty and Ian up for Easter weekend it was always going to be special quite apart from them choosing to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary with us it was also Ian’s 21st birthday too so we felt quite honoured as well. These are a selection of photo’s that hopefully tell the story of our […]


Went swimming again

Although I am not allowed to take photos at the baths I want you to imagine two children LOVING playing floating splashing jumping and swimming (well, practically…) and then getting dry and warm and comfy in the back of the car for the journey home e

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Lincoln’s first ever “SterIKE” witnessed by Nanny although Lincoln looks like he’s pretty much taking it in his stride

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Swimming with my children

With Mommy going to school most weekends its always a decision what to do while she’s gone but last weekend I had decided we would go swimming so once we had dropped her off at the station we set off for Winsford. I will admit n

Sunny bike ride

Mommy removed the safety bars from Reagan’s trike and she finally got peddling to move forwards after that she was off. She was still riding around the yard when I got home from work a few hours later



Lincoln had gone up for a nap but Reagan, now a big girl who doesn’t need a dummy anymore, has decided she doesn’t need a nap either. The comprise is to watch a movie so I volunteered to watch it with her….we didn’t see much of the movie?