Entries by ALB1970

Do you know this little man

This little man has been seen making lots of noise, running, kicking & screaming, climbing, not listening, ripping books, trying to smash things with his head, trying to break the floor with his face and lots more crimes against Mommy and Daddy…

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Poorly babba

Ripped from my slumber at 01:30 this morning when I heard mommy and Reagan in the bathroom, I found that Reagan had a poorly belly and had pooped the bed. Mommy was magnificent at keeping calm which kept Reagan from being upset so while she cleaned Reagan up I stripped her bed and put on […]

Cat Bells, Lake District April 2013

In no particular order my Lake District weekend walk up Cat Bells, Maiden Moor, High Spy Crag on a cold but beautifully sunny day it was one of, if not thee best walk I’ve been on for the views alone. I will apolgise before you look at the photos for blocking some of the view […]