Entries by ALB1970


Worst Mom in the world Part 142

While mommy chatted to her bezzies, occasionally glancing at Lincoln and pushing him on the swing if she could be bothered, he falls asleep to the amusement of all the mommy’s….? Part 142: Lincoln was there for hours,  and when noticed Worst mom in the world took this photo before rescuing him?



Saw this photo on Mommy’s Facebook and fell in love with it straighaway it just sums our children up completely….

Reagan’s school report card

Very proud of Reagan receiving this glowing report card from her pre-school teacher. I loved the fact that she talks about her holiday to America to see Grandma Grandpa and Nemily and this report proves she talks about it at school too 🙂


Sunny day at the farm

Mommy sent these photos to me earlier and it made me smile to know that she tries every day to get our children out doing activities and now its getting warmer they’re outside as well


Watching BGT we heard one of those “thuds” from upstairs that made us both look at each other with open mouths.