The driveway Pt1
So work began on Monday to sort out our drive way, Jamie has been selling our old flagstones on Gumtree and the workmen have cleared the ground
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So work began on Monday to sort out our drive way, Jamie has been selling our old flagstones on Gumtree and the workmen have cleared the ground
A few photos from the weekend when the sun shone and we plsyed in the garden all day
After a loooong winter and a never ending spring which was eet snd miserable the sun finally came out
When we started counting down we had 105 days to wait before we got on a plane to America for our holidays
As I sat soaking up the last few rays of sunshine after being in work all day the peace and tranquility was broken by my own rays of sunshine returning from a birthday party both keen to show me the lollipops they had.
Just had the worst game of hide and seek ever…I love my daughter with every sinew of my being but she couldn’t find an elephant in snow with diarrhea so when she suggested hide and seek I thought I couldn’t lose. So when she said Daddy you go and hide and I will count I […]
Daddeee quack quack
While Reagan and Mommy went to ballet the men wen to the DIY store and then to the park
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.