Entries by ALB1970

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Welcome to Chicago

Leaving Dekalb we headed to Chris and Johanna’s who live a lot closer to O’Hare airport and offered to show us around Chicago so when we got to their house it was left to Johanna, to show us Chicago because Chris had to work. We had an itinerary of places to see and we set […]

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On arrival at O’hare airport Chicago we had to find the car hire place which after such a long flight we needed to go smoothly but as always is the case we wandered around looking for signs and eventually had to ask and were told to get on a bus which we did.

Driving in America

Something I NEVER thought I would do but I felt confident so I went for it. We came up with “tight right & looping left” as quick reference guides to turning and off we went. I have to say the whole experience went against all my instincts of years driving on the left and my […]

Vacation (Day 1)

Awake at 04:30 laying waiting for the alarm to go off was about what I expected, and when it finally did go off at 5 we were both awake.


Mommy has been practicing for this for weeks and weeks every Monday night she goes to church to sing with the Choir, The following videos show just how good she is and they are and I think the photo of Mommy’s smile says it all.