Entries by ALB1970

Everything we have is rubbish

“It doesn’t matter everything we have is rubbish!” a statement made by Mommy a few days ago when lamenting about our new drive and I look around and feel she’s right. A car with broken bumper, kitchen floors unfinished, tiles falling off the bathroom wall, a toilet that only just flushes, an un finished loft, […]

Horrible parents

Foundout this morning that Reagan had an accident last night and the night before but got up changed her pants and slept where it was dry. I feel ashamed that I was too wrapped up in a new day to not notice. ..


A hug to die for.

Just a short blog to say that this morning I lay in bed and Lincoln wandered into the bedroom and when he realised I was lying there the clambered on to the bed and then on top of me


Number 10 on their reward charts

We have struggled a little since returning from our holiday to get both children back on track with disciline and routine but one of the major successes in achieving great results is their reward charts certainly in Reagans case but Lincoln also responds too. Anyway Lincoln last night got to number 10 and recieved a […]



Whilst washing up I heard strange sounds from the garden and wondered what was going on. Upon realising what was going on I grabbed my camera and crept down to Reagan Lincoln and the cat to film it