Entries by ALB1970

Everything we have is rubbish

“It doesn’t matter everything we have is rubbish!” a statement made by Mommy a few days ago when lamenting about our new drive and I look around and feel she’s right. A car with broken bumper, kitchen floors unfinished, tiles falling off the bathroom wall, a toilet that only just flushes, an un finished loft, […]

Horrible parents

Foundout this morning that Reagan had an accident last night and the night before but got up changed her pants and slept where it was dry. I feel ashamed that I was too wrapped up in a new day to not notice. ..


A hug to die for.

Just a short blog to say that this morning I lay in bed and Lincoln wandered into the bedroom and when he realised I was lying there the clambered on to the bed and then on top of me