Kitty Kat
Reagan tries on her Halloween costume
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Reagan tries on her Halloween costume
Our Saturday night in was spent eating great food drinking fine booze and wine and watching Paul
That’s my boy right there
A lovely photo
Jamie cooked the hottest curry ever tonight and I needed to cool the fire in me mouth
Very proud of Reagan receiving another glowing report card from her pre-school teacher. We do know she needs to be encouraged to go outside more as we have to do that at home.
Finally, Lincoln has sussed blowing his nose. Doesn’t sound like a big deal really but when he is snotty and couldn’t blow he was Sir Snotty McSnotterson all day.
Good as gold
He absolutely thoroughly enjoyed his birthday and smiled the whole day but as I watch him climbing the stairs to slide down the slide yet again I could see he was tiring but I could also see he was not going to give in without a fight and continued to slide run build climb and […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.