Entries by ALB1970

Choosing our children’s education

Tonight we put Reagan’s name down for our preferred school ‘Park Road’ and I am absolutely without doubt that it is the right school for her and Lincoln to begin their education.

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Patty & Ian

I have not read back anything I have ever written about these two people before I write this but I reckon I am about to write something very similar to past posts? The feeling I have when I am in their company is unique because even though we don’t spend alot of time together physically […]

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Poorly Babba

Thursday night past like every other night and we ate tea played and eventually got the children into bed, the next morning I found Reagan sat on the towel hamper at the top of the stairs, crying. She said she hurt her head when she was asleep which I assumed was that she’d fallen out […]


Here is our pumpkin growing quite nicely and tuning orange hopefully in time for Halloween


Proud Dad!

Dressed to thrill I took this photo at the weekend at the park he really makes me smile and I couldn’t be more proud of him

Work stress

Had a bad day today not the worse I’ve ever had but sometimes I feel very under fire at the moment even though the problem is out of my control and the people we pay to fix it are the ones who should get the blame are not in the frontline of fire when things […]


Proud dad!

I was bursting with pride when I saw Reagan in her ballet clothes ready for her photo and knew I needed to get our very own memory of this moment