Entries by ALB1970

Day 8 – Advice about walking

Rang the hospital today to ask advice about walking on me wound because I feel I can and maybe should do but don’t want to undo any work done on me foot

The Superbowl XLVIII

I have enjoyed supporting and watching the Denver Broncos throughout the 2013 – 14 season and Peyton Manning has to be one of the greatest players to ever play the game so to have him playing in orange was a real privilege to watch and he pulled the strings all season making good players great […]

7 years on

On 2nd February 2007 my life changed in an instant forever, as you all probably know I came home at lunch time to find my wife had passed away, a moment in time that eventually taught me that you have to live your life and strive to be happy because it can be taken away […]

Day 3 Take a first step

Today was again a better day than the day before, I got up and my foot felt better, so much so that I walked through my crutches a few times although only lightly putting weight on the outside of my right foot it felt right to do so.


For my operation they told me not to eat on the day of the surgery so I had me tea and a cup of coffee at 6pm (Tuesday) and then apart from cleaning my teeth at night and then again on the day of my surgery (Wednesday) I did not imbibe anything until I was […]

My day in hospital

We arrived at Leighton at 11am and checked in then eent to sit down and wait to be called. We didn’t have to wait long but we were informed that it was a male recovery ward and Jamie wss not allowed to be with me, which we had not planned on….

A little nervous

My surgery is tomorrow at 11:30 and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous about being under general anesthetic and completely in the hands of other people, all be it those people being surgeons.Â