Entries by ALB1970


Sneak preview…

Although it’s early days but Reagan’s cake is taking shape and Reagan is really excited watching Mommy create her masterpiece but not nearly as excited as Mommy is creating it…oh but Mommy excitement is is tempered by shear PANIC incase it doesn’t turn out the way she planned

Preparing to bake

With Reagan’s birthday 5 days away Mommy has decided to bake her a Princess cake and went to get buy ingredients and accessories for the BEST princess cake ever and knowing Mommy and how her every thought is always how to put a smile on her childrens faces she will create a masterpiece fit for […]



I have just spent half an hour playing FOOTBALL with my son…WOW! I remember back in the seventies idolising Manchester City and just wanting to play football and begging me Dad to come and have a kick about in the garden and I remember the excitement being Joe Corrigan while me Dad tried to score […]

Link problems with new site!

If you can not navigate around the site since I changed Hosting please delete the site cookies stored on your computer. I use Chrome and you can remove individual cookies from my site by following this tutorial Clear Cookies (Chrome) Contact me if you have trouble I can call you and talk you through it […]

Im back…!

You may have seen that my site has been missing for a couple of days, this was due to me changing host. After 5 years with JustHost they wanted £254 to stay with them for another 4 years and when I said to them if I was a new customer I could get the same […]

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Dying eggs for Easter

After enjoying themselves at Cody’s party Reagan & Lincoln came home with their faces painted and excited to dye their Easter eggs. As I watched their enthusiasm and how they squealed and smiled as they did what Mommy wanted them to do it just made me more sure there could be no better Momma in […]

Growing heartburn?

Jamie has always talked about growing her own heartburn but until this weekend we have not been able to find any but at Minshull Garden Centre her garden was complete.