Entries by ALB1970

Reagan reading

Tonight Reagan brought home a book she had been reading at school, and was eager to show me she could read, what happened next just blew my mind

A little excitement at work

Whilst working at one of our farm surgeries this morning the Tour of Britain cycle race passed by the front of the building so I videoed it for The Willows Facebook page

School – Day 3

Fashion Fashion Fashion – even though the military precision of the first couple of days was lacking, Lincoln wandered into our bedroom at 7:10 on his own mumbling “Suns Up” and when asked where’s your sister his reply was “Asleep”, once everyone was awake the truck rumbled into motion and we were ready on time […]

Lincoln’s first day at pre school

Lincolns day began with wanting Porridge and then refusing to eat any more than a tiny bit of it, but after trying coerce and cajole him Mommy gave up and got both children upstairs to get ready for Lincolns first day at pre school