Pancakes but non for Mommy or Daddy?
Made pancakes this morning as a weekend treat for the family, Mommy got to lie in and Reagan & Lincoln watched telly while I cooked
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
We went to granddad’s house for tea on last night and had a wonderful time and we also had a party to go to afterwards so a babysitter had been booked
Reagan’s creativity is amazing right now and she is soooo enthusiastic about telling you “I can write Christmas, draw father Christmas draw a butterfly, trees and grass
Buttering ones own toast
The most enthusiastic helper ever when I handed him my drill and asked him to fix the shelves
So proud of his achievement he just wanted to look at the completed jigsaw and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t look at the camera?
Classic “I won’t be able to play today because I’m too poorly” OK that’s fine Reagan, me and Lincoln will go to the park on our own then! “I’m not too poorly to go to the park but when we get back I will need to lie on the couch because I will be poorly […]
Just corpsed for the first time ever when pulling Lincoln out of ‘time out’ for lying!
Reagan asked for £2 today, a first maybe but I asked what it was for and her reply made me think….
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.