Entries by ALB1970


Ear nose and throat

As I said last night, Reagan is really struggling to hear, so mommy took her to the dr today and we received a diagnosis.  Apparently she has something called glue ear, which is a build up of fluid in the inner ear, this results in repeated ear infections and the dr thinks it is caused by […]

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I had made another pot roast and it was cooking when we got up leaving Mommy to lay in, me and Reagan and Lincoln had breakfast which consisted of yogurt and cereal nothing different to any other day


8 Days a week

So I got this far and the finish line is insight but I still have 8 days to go or 2 Friday nights 2 Saturday nights and 1 Wednesday to go…


Tricky weekend negotiated

I got home on Friday night and had my worst craving yet and it would have been very easy to just have a pint and then get right back on the wagon but that’s ot the point…I want to get to February without a drop passing me lips but bloody hell it’s getting tough at […]

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Church on Sunday

I go to church most Sundays but I do it so that Mommy can sing without having to worry about the children and they also see me going which enforces the need to go to church which is something I want them to be comfortable with too