Entries by ALB1970


Nose balloon…?

Reagan is still suffering from ‘Glue Ear’ and one of the remedies is to blow a balloon up with her nose so we had a go and it did relieve some pressure butt I’m not sure what good it did her ears?

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Sleep tight

“Will you make sure Mommy sure comes in and kisses us when she gets home” Reagan loves the thought that if Mommy goes out and is not there for bedtime she comes in to kiss her every night and really makes sure from I don’t let Mommy forget to do it.


Ear nose and throat

As I said last night, Reagan is really struggling to hear, so mommy took her to the dr today and we received a diagnosis.  Apparently she has something called glue ear, which is a build up of fluid in the inner ear, this results in repeated ear infections and the dr thinks it is caused by […]

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I had made another pot roast and it was cooking when we got up leaving Mommy to lay in, me and Reagan and Lincoln had breakfast which consisted of yogurt and cereal nothing different to any other day


8 Days a week

So I got this far and the finish line is insight but I still have 8 days to go or 2 Friday nights 2 Saturday nights and 1 Wednesday to go…