It’s my green period, darling!
To most it won’t look like much but to me its perfect, Lincoln loves painting and when he brings one home and says its for Daddy it doesn’t get any better
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
Well almost two halves I didn’t sleep too well and when I did get to sleep 7am cam really quickly which doesn’t allow me to wake up and get my morning going feeling in the least bit pleasant. I struggle with a bad nights sleep but I can still get straight out of bed and […]
Strange or just English Reagan loves a nice cup of tea with Momma? I think she feels very grown up when Mommy takes her for a girly afternoon
Reagan we believe is struggling a little because of the hearing problem, the fact that she can’t hear causes apprehension when it comes to leaving Mommy’s safety in a morning
Sometimes you can forget what a privelidge it is to be a Daddy, I am guilty of it myself but not often. My children make me live, live for them and to be alive because they want me to be.
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.