Could I kill for my family?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3011 entries already.
Jamie and I had a Whatsapp conversation while I was sat having a brew in the kitchen and she was upstairs getting ready for church and the following blog is the transcript. It was triggered by a photo from 5 years ago when I cooked a Valentine meal.
Yep that’s him alright
This is Lincoln just before bedtime preparing himself for sleep
I may have foundeasy blogs when inspiration wains
The dentist has been a slow process for both children but that’s ok because the more times they go the more used to it they are becoming and today Reagan for the first time sat in the chair on her own, opened her mouth and allowed the dentist to examine her teeth
I love me beard growing but there comes a time when we have to part ways and tonight was that time it had run it’s course but worst of all it woke me up last night…
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.