Entries by ALB1970


Total Wipe-Out

Lincoln got Daddy time for getting all his good behaviour stickers this week so we went to the park and had lunch. He is all boy and a lot like me I think in his adventurousness

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I don’t ask for much out of life, I really don’t, but I get get annoyed when no matter how much I give it gets thrown back in my face by the very people who I live my life for.



Yesterday I wrote 3 blogs and deleted all of them because they were so gloomy but on reflection that was how I felt and I could not shake it?

Blah Grrr

Jamie took some really good photos today and I looked forward to blogging them but realised as I lay here as she sleeps beside me that they were Facebook posts and I don’t seem to be able to save them to upload to this blog?


Perfect journey, almost

This mornings journey to work was one of the most pleasant I have ever had. I was not held up at all, anywhere I drove a steady pace all the way there but on the way the world just looked stunning.Â