Where did that time go?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3011 entries already.
These 3 photos have just been shared on Facebook and I won’t lie its a fond memory of mine but its a distant memory and some of the faces in it I didn’t remember when I saw them but I do remember at the time I LOVED darts and cricket and played both to a […]
I think I am finally back online and intend to get you all back up to date with what has been going on, but first I need you to check you can log on and see random posts from any month of any year? Technical issues have prevented a smooth transition and time to sort […]
This weekend this site will go offline while I change hosting provider, it is the reason there has been now blogs of late but I am now in a position to change over and normal service will resume shortly Thanks for reading
We, as parents, were frustrated at our perceived failures up until yesterday, thinking that we were letting our children down by failing to guide them perfectly down the correct road to being as good as they could possibly be, but when you realise as we did yesterday what gifts we have been given, nothing else […]
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.