Entries by ALB1970



Disillusioned would be a perfect way to describe how I feel tonight. I have played pool for Steventons (my team) for almost thirty years and in recent years as captain felt that I feel I have kept the team together through losing our home venue and searching for new one, eventually settling at the Turnpike.


Me and my boy

Sun was out early today so I went to sit and have me breakfast outside, while I was out there Lincoln pulled his chair up and sat next to me assuming the exact same pose as me

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Our day at the Zoo

With butties packed and drinks galore in the backpack we set off for a day at the zoo, the kids are members and I had Mommy’s card she said I should get away with using that!

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Making beds

After finally getting all the pieces to their new bunk beds delivered we set about building them and it was very exciting for both Reagan and Lincoln to actually build their own beds