Just when he thought is was safe
About 12 months ago “there was an incident” and its taken over a year for Lincoln to come to terms with what happened that fateful day
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About 12 months ago “there was an incident” and its taken over a year for Lincoln to come to terms with what happened that fateful day
Mommy went off to Manchester University to help study for the exam she has coming up in a little over a weeks time so Reagan Lincoln and me decided to go for a walk in the countryside stopping off at the makers market in town, the park to play ninja warriors and then back to […]
This morning Lincoln asked “Daddy when can we have a CD player?
Wow where the hell did four years go? Lincoln Jay has been the happiest little boy this last year and today was his day, spent with Mommy and Daddy at the ice cream farm first and then a party after 5.
Now there are many things in this world that put a smile on Lincoln’s face but one of the biggest smiles appear when he sees a digger. So a chance to sit on one made him beam!
While mommy studied on Saturday afternoon the children and I went to Rainbows fair (Lincoln’s Preschool) and had a blast on the free rides!
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.