Entries by ALB1970


That can’t be comfortable?

We acquired series 1 & 2 of Sophia the first today so that Reagan didn’t need to go onto YouTube to watch it. It’s difficult to monitor what she watches on youtube every minute, although we do keep a pretty good eye on her there is always those 10 minutes where she could see anything […]



Just sat watching Dynamo magician impossible with Reagan and he sat down and read this guys mind “think of someone close to you” the guy sat there thinking and Dynamo says “Nicola” which stunned the guy because he was thinking of his sister Nicola.

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Christmas Day 2015

I have to say I win the gift competition this year because of the thought that went into Jamie’s gift to me, I always want to win because I “give” the best but this year I have to say a painting by Sean Williams a friend of mine was just fantastic


Community carol service

Having arrived a whole hour early for the service just to get good seats I was told that because Reagan is in the Middlewich primary choir I had to sit at the very back of the church and off to the side….