Entries by ALB1970


Big girl

Sad but true that Reagan is growing up and a great example of this came at the hair salon today when Mommy gave Reagan the opportunity to choose her own style and cut

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Getting out of the house late for the school run never really happens but this morning due to Lincoln being ill we set off for nannies to drop him off before doing the school run. Halfway there I knew that if we continued we would be late getting back to school so I decided to […]

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Cute alert

We as a family we spent Sunday afternoon cleaning and tidying which both Reagan and Lincoln were happy to participate. Reagan was given the hoover and happily pushed it around the living room, Lincoln was tasked with helping Mommy wash up. 


Emotional rollercoaster

Just lately Reagan has become very emotional, not all the time but like tonight she according to Mommy seemed quite happy after school, it was when Mommy told her she could n’t have a rice crispy pop tart.