Entries by ALB1970

Rainbow photo

As cute as he is we can not justify paying £30 for 2 photo’s He is pictured with 3 boys in one that he doesn’t know 2 of their names we would have expected his mates at least but even then £30 is too much

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Patty and Ian woohoo!

This weekend Patty and Ian came to visit and as always we had a great time although the weather was a little cool on the Saturday we managed to go to the ice cream farm where we played in the sand pit a massive barn type building with sand and water activities in, also drove […]

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Go to your room

A great night where even though mommy had gone to church I was in control of everything and didn’t feel too stressed so when the bath was over and we entered the bedroom they were looking forward to starting a new book for bedtime and then I saw it….


Loving the son!

Lincoln played for ages today making sand castles and the foraged for sticks to make flags for each one I watched him helped him and he was so proud once he ran out of sand to make any more castles


GP Receptionists….grrr!!!

The NHS might be the greatest single thing this great country offers its citizens but me personally I think it’s useless. GPs can not be over worked because it’s impossible to actually see one!