Sports Day 2017
With both Reagan and Lincoln participating at the same time this year Mommy and Daddy had to split up and watch one event each then swap children and watch the other…
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But we are proud to say that ALB1970 contributed 3028 entries already.
With both Reagan and Lincoln participating at the same time this year Mommy and Daddy had to split up and watch one event each then swap children and watch the other…
Reception choir performed ROAR by Katy Perry at this years summer fayre
Like the first one Mommy and Daddy were not there to witness Lincoln loosing his tooth
Reagan can be so giving at times but I sometimes think the complete opposite and that makes me sad because every day we get told she is a truly lovely person
With Mommy away at cherish for three days and me at Northwest calling Lincoln was at nannies when the tooth fairy got a call
They may argue and disagree but they are inseparable at times last night I went to kiss them goodnight and found Reagan blindfolded
After learning about under the sea for the past few weeks Lincoln and his class went on a school trip to The Blue Planet Aquarium something he had been looking forward to A LOT
Reagan is seven and beginning to test her boundaries, especially with her Mom
All blogs are my own thoughts and opinions, well mostly.