Entries by ALB1970

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Stairway to Reagans room (3)

With Christmas 2 weeks away the last couple of weekends I did a lot of finishing off edges and Uncle Karl yet again stepped into the breach filling in holes with cement to allow the plasterer to just plaster when I get him to finish of the childrens room and stairwell

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Lincoln Nativity 2017

No matter where I sit I am never perfectly positioned to see either child and today was no different. Nanny was first in the queue and we sat at the front….but on the wrong side

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Stairway to Reagans room (2)

With Grandpa back in America it was left to me to keep the job moving along and my main priority had to be to get the childrens rooms finished before doing anything above ceiling height or as it will eventually be called “Reagans room”

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Stairway to Reagans room (1)

I thought I should get this into the blog as the project that started out well over ten years ago as a loft conversion to become a spare room is now a necessity to give Reagan and Lincoln separate rooms