Entries by ALB1970


Quitting Day 1 – Today I began my attempt at #oneyearsober the most frightening thing I think I have ever tried! The idea has been in my mind for a while although not a year but to just quit for a while just to show myself (and others) that I can, but I always feel […]

Lincoln loses a tooth

What else would we be doing on a Friday night if we didn’t have loose teeth to extract from our sons face?

Stairway to Reagans room (4.1)

On my mind since we finished the work on the stair on Saturday was that were not “quite” ready for the plasterer until the original ladder access hole was plaster boarded


A couple of weeks ago our Dyson DC40 Vaccuum cleaner became loud and when I say loud I mean can’t hear yourself think loud in fact louder than Reagan and Lincoln!

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Christmas morning 2017

We have two very well “trained” children who have been waiting for Santa to come for weeks and after doing our Christmas eve traditions of church, new jamas from Grandma, snowman films, and putting a drink mince pie and carrot for Rudolph out you would think, like most other children they would be too excited […]