Entries by ALB1970

She gave it to me!

Our PCR tests came back positive a full house all four of us and it’s all Mommy’s fault, I jest of course it was inevitable no matter who caught it first all of us would get it quite soon after because you can’t isolate in the house it’s impractical. So tonight we got a text […]

Why take a lateral flow…?

Yep, why take a lateral flow test when we can have a family trip to the walk in Covid test centre in Winsford and get a PCR test each? Well Reagan tested positive this morning and was worried that she was going to get sick but we explained to her that she was already sick, […]

Boxing Day 2021

They say a picture paints a thousand words and this one sums up most of the day for us, while Mommy is COVID positive we were unable to join the rest of the Forster clan around Nannies for Boxing Day we had a lazy afternoon in front of the TV Reagan was complaining of a […]

Christmas Day 2021

Reagan got a Samsung Tablet and was obsessed immediately, Lincoln got a steering wheel for his XBOX and Broncos bob hat both got Hue strip lights amongst many other presents, I went upstairs while Jamie and me were making dinner and this is what I found. Christmas day began at 7am as per “the rules” […]

He’s been 2021

Yep that’s right he’s been and I think he’s really done us proud I hope that Reagan & Lincoln think so too

…and just like that Christmas was gone!

Got woken by Jamie this morning creeping around the bedroom, I thought you were going to the gym, I was but my lateral flow is positive, and just like that the Christmas we planned was gone! “If I isolate from you 3 you can still go to your Moms on Boxing Day, I just don’t […]

A Puppy

Reagan has become fixated on getting a puppy for Christmas, so much so that it’s all she talks about at times. It worries me that she is not getting a puppy for Christmas or ever really. She will be able to do what she wants one day but at 11 years old Jamie and I […]

MADPL 21/22 – WEEK 4

Week 4 up against a group of lads who are arguably a better side than us but only because they play more frames than per man per week than our team play put together I believe we have better player if we practiced but I think those days have gone but we still compete with […]

4 more sleeps

Today I realised there is only 3 days to go before Christmas day after today and Jamie is still working, I know what Jamie worries about on the run up to Christmas and it’s a tiday house and lots of nice food to cook things I can help bring together so I set about pottering […]

Dunham Massey 2021

As Christmas approaches the world is being ravaged yet again with Covid and we are praying that negative lateral flow test continue until at least next Monday because we are desperate to spend this Christmas with family especially Nannie who is due to spend the day with us on Saturday. That said we can’t not […]