Entries by ALB1970


Today was all about decorating the living room but had to take Billy first. Covered the new floor to protect it and removed the TV and mantlepiece along with everything else that could be moved. First job was preparation and sanding but with my new multi tool with sanding attachment it was light work, Once […]

Whoever invented decorating

Went to B&Q tonight to pick up paint and decorating paraphernalia ready to start tomorrow.. Mo.my is working in London so she came in with us before walking across the road to catch her 18:30 train

It’s the middle that’s not working

I took Billy for a walk this morning my first job every morning, when you take on a dog you are committing to walking it every morning for the whole of its life and I have done that with one dog (Jack) and I am loving walking Billy it get me up, out and active […]

MADPL 21/22 Week 6

After cancelling last week ecause so many of us were unavailable due to Covid we took on our local rivals and stablemates Turnpike and after DR got us of to a great start with his best performance this season, not a lot went our way after that with the away side benefitting from “home advantage”? […]


Today was the day our floor arrived and as much as I want to describe it in words I won’t be able to describe it better than a couple of photo’s The next photo is the during, I had an idea for us all to write a letter to put in a time capsule under […]

Mommy on the Tranny

Tonight Mommy appeared on the radio for the third time in the last couple of weeks, this time taking about online dating…I’ve no idea why? lol After a couple of very polished interviews this one was a little less slick I think because she was revealing stuff about herself and us which slowed her down […]

Should have kept the poof?

We should have been having wooden flooring tomorrow but it has been postponed until Tuesday but we spent all day removing all soft furnishings including carpets, armchair and poof taking them to the tip. We tried to give away the sofa bed but the one guy that was interested stopped replying to our texts so […]

#MileHighHuddle Podcast

I listen to a Denver Broncos podcast most days but usually not live I listen as a podcast after the fact so I decided to send in a comment and it got on air and they discussed it for a couple of minutes https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=462479555315883&id=236822776517829 Fast forward to 14 minutes.

Never pick a favourite

We had a day out today in Stoke first, we went to see the couch Mommy bought while we were all isolating and got a VERY good deal in the boxing Day sales but we hadn’t actually been able to see it or sit on it until today. We were not disappointed it was lovely […]

First dry January Friday 2022

Just had a curry and now sat watching a documentary on murder and comedy (that’s two shows not….well you know what I mean) I am addicted to TV I don’t have to think about on nights like this I just want to just sit and let the programmes wash over me and decompress from the […]