Entries by ALB1970

80 days

The end of dry January was the 80th day of sobriety today, and numbers like that are great to see “milestones” if you will? I never end a sentence like that but just fancied it tonight lol I have found it pretty easy now my routine has changed to not drinking but I do have […]

Time Travel

Lincoln’s conversation at teatime tonight was “If you could travel back in time when would you travel to?” and we had some fun with it but it got me thinking about Mommy’s and my answer compared to Reagan’s and Lincoln’s and it made me realise they have not lost anybody significant in their short lives. […]

Lincoln and Homework

Tonight Mommy asked if he’d done his homework and the silence that followed answered the question followed by the frustrated “I’ll do it now” confirmed it. He was caught doing his homework on Wednesday morning the day it was due so we had a talk and agreed no X-Box if that ever happened again. I […]

Movie night

The Broncos have hired a new head coach and tonight I watched George Paton introduce Nathaniel Hackett as the 18th Head Coach in franchise history and I am very excited about the appointment having suffered some lacklustre years since SuperBowl 50 he has already brought some excitement and enthusiasm which has been missing with Vance […]

Lincoln’s Balls

Looking forward to the weekend for many reasons non more so than wanting to get the skirtings finished in the living room but as always there is lots of things in the way to stop me cracking on like the cold tap in the bath broken and needs sorting Lincoln has gymnastics etc but it […]

MADPL 21/22 Week 7

Away at Feathers B an in form DR went on first and played his usual thoughtful methodical game and without being spectacular ground out a win against a tricky opponent who didn’t look good but you never know whether it’s a good player playing bad and given a chance can punish you to get us […]

Being productive

Workwise like I said yesterday I am struggling right now to concentrate on one job long enough to finish it which I was able to overcome for a couple of hours this morning and it felt really good to rattle through a lot of my workload completing lots of the smaller jobs and pinning the […]

Can’t concentrate

Just lately I have found it increasingly difficult to concentrate especially at work, manifesting itself in my mind flicking between lots of jobs and finding it almost impossible to complete jobs that take any length of time over ten minutes, say? I used to be so focused on what I was doing and able to […]

Sofa, so good

There isn’t words to describe the look of pride and joy on Jamie’s face sat on her new couch. I use that term deliberately because she has worked hard to feel that pride and joy of sitting on the first couch she ever bought !

Dust a minute?

I’ve brushed your yard because the dust was going on my car, let me know when you’ve finished sawing and I’ll was my car? If there’s one thing that drives me insane it’s our neighbour who has a heart of gold I’m sure but if something affects her she passively moans as though you’re going […]