Entries by ALB1970

90 Days

Its now 90 days since I last had a drink “a milestone ” you might say? Below is how Jamie celebrated with 0% alcohol beer, she offered me a taste and I flatly refused. It concerns me that tasting beer would trigger me…. maybe it wouldn’t but why risk it when I don’t crave the […]

I’ve quit drinking…

“Quit smoking and people congratulate you. Say I’ve quit drinking and people think you’re weird?” @KP24 Kevin Pietersen 2022 It’s so true, I am getting braver about telling people I’ve quit drinking because it’s been 89 days since I last had a drink so I feel I can say 3 months which is significant enough […]

Bake off

We sat eating our tea tonight just talking Reagan “I am taking part in a bake off competition at church on Sunday. I am going to make a normal two layer chocolate cake but then cover it in fondant and decorate that with fine icing with hearts” She told us Erica was taking part too […]


I love having a dog, it’s man’s best friend and Billy lives up to that 99% of the time… I love taking him for a walk and playing with him and when we are at home I love just having him around me but at night he disappears into his cage in the kitchen and […]

Beating George

Build a tower from paper and tape was the assignment for each pupil in 5M, build it as tall as you can and the tallest wins…but it must stand up to wind (produced by Mrs Merson wafting a piece of cardboard) Well apparently Lincoln was able to build a tower almost as tall as himself […]

New Living room update

New couchlooking good but we were struggling for a place to put stuff like drinks etc so we decided to put a shelf behind the sofa slightly lower than the rear cushion. We bought 2 pieces of oak to match the mantle which I installed this weekend

The streak is over!

Yep, unfortunately after 83 days last night after doing so well for so long I dropped the ball, my concentration wained I was distracted and I failed I succumbed. Luckily I only succumbed to tiredness I forgot to blog something I’d done since 13th November and last night I went to bed I also didn’t […]

Six Months my BALLS

Reagan and Mommy were laying in bed and apparently Reagan said “You can’t get Covid for 6 months after having it” I was in the bathroom all heard was Lincoln say “6 months my balls…!” Slightly taken aback I stopped brushing my teeth and said “I BEG your pardon?” As I poked my head around […]


We don’t want to think of our own mortality it’s a frightening thought but it’s one that will come to us all in the end, and we are better off not knowing when that end will be in my opinion? We hope it’s old age that gets us maybe reading the telegram from the queen […]