Entries by ALB1970

Can’t concentrate

Just lately I have found it increasingly difficult to concentrate especially at work, manifesting itself in my mind flicking between lots of jobs and finding it almost impossible to complete jobs that take any length of time over ten minutes, say? I used to be so focused on what I was doing and able to […]

Sofa, so good

There isn’t words to describe the look of pride and joy on Jamie’s face sat on her new couch. I use that term deliberately because she has worked hard to feel that pride and joy of sitting on the first couch she ever bought !

Dust a minute?

I’ve brushed your yard because the dust was going on my car, let me know when you’ve finished sawing and I’ll was my car? If there’s one thing that drives me insane it’s our neighbour who has a heart of gold I’m sure but if something affects her she passively moans as though you’re going […]


Both Reagan and Lincoln spend a lot of time online more so since the advent of Covid lockdowns and also they are getting older and YouTube is a big thing watching loads of online content freely available by all their favourite Youtubers. We do monitor what they watch but also we can’t stand the screaming […]

Skirtings Day 2

Got a bit more done today than yesterday because I have all the tools ready and I have worked out a system to fasten the skirtings to the wall but it’s slow progress if you want right and I am really trying to make it right! Progress was slowed by a distress call from a […]

Skirting day

Today I started installing the skirting boards in the living room and even just standing one up against the wall on top of the new floor had that wow factor so I can’t wait to see them all finished. I struggled a bit to get started, not because Mommy forbade me to by a new […]

Steak out

After a long week I didn’t quite make to 5pm before I’d had enough so I went out to get supplies for this evening, Mommy mentioned she fancied steak so I went to Lowes farm shop where I found a new but her had set up and he sold me 2 surloins and 2 rump […]

Therse’s always someone worse off…

Today was a busy day initially working from home and then out at surgeries in Warrington it was just another day but in the back of my mind was the boiler and if it will break on the coldest day of the year so far or whether we will have hot water to wash in […]

Heating woes on the horizon

Annoyingly the fan on the boiler is making a noise and that is never good because it should not make any noise really so there’s trouble ahead, and the most annoying thing is I had kept a couple of grand by that I’d earned from my jobs on the side because when we first put […]


Life is pretty good at the moment Reagan and Lincoln are doing well at school and seem happy with life, Mommy is crushing working at LWC coming top on conversions after doing 2 talks last weekend beating everyone by almost 50% and more. My job is so frustrating nowadays with VetPartners now owning The Willows […]